2275 Collingwood Blvd
OH 43620
Audience – Special Ed Administrators, Curriculum Directors, Principals and Central Office Personnel
Presenter – Lynn McKahan, M.S., Director, and Tara Shumaker, M.Ed., SST Consultant
Contact Hours – 2 – Contact hours will only be awarded for participation in the live sessions. No contact hours will be issued for watching the sessions recording.
State Support Team 1 will once again be providing a year long learning opportunity to support your district or school team as you collaborate to support students with disabilities and other students who are at risk of failure. Three virtual meetings will address topics that will support the ongoing development of a collaborative team that ensures each student with a disability receives rigorous, evident-based instruction. The other three meetings (face to face and virtual opportunities) will focus on needs of Special Education Administrators as they continue to build their capacity in becoming instructional leaders with oversight of special education services.
In addition to the six meetings, the SST will be hosting a book study beginning in October, using Nathan Levenson’s book, “Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions”. The SST 1 will provide a book for each person who participates in the study. Details of the book study will be discussed at a later date.
All meeting will include:
- the latest information from the Ohio Department of Education
- opportunities to problem solve and share ideas and questions
- deep conversation regarding meeting the needs of special education students
By participating in this network, you will:
- better support students with disabilities in your district
- engage in conversations that work to change the misperceptions regarding special education services and the students who receive these services
- reduce barriers to increasing outcomes for all students who struggle
- implement instructional and behavioral strategies that have a positive impact on learning for students with disabilities
- align current ODE initiatives and updates to the work of your school and district
- This is a closed network. If you are already on our mailing list and have been coming to these meetings in the past you will receive a registration link around 1 week prior to the meeting. Once registered you will get a confirmation e-mail with the zoom link enclosed.
- If you would like to be included in the meetings, or if you know of a new administrator in Region 1, please contact Michelle Sworden or call 419.720.8999 to be added to the network.
- Administrators are required to attend with their team.