PBIS is a proactive approach to setting positive expectations for student behavior so all students can experience social, emotional, and academic success. This framework guides school teams in selecting and implementing evidence-based practices for improving academic, social, and behavior outcomes. PBIS is a systems change process that requires ongoing commitment in order to successfully create effective systems for teaching and supporting a positive school climate. In Ohio, PBIS efforts are primarily supported by the Office of Exceptional Children, the 16 regional State Support Teams, and local Educational Service Centers. An Overview of the PBIS Tiers Universal Prevention Tier 1 establishes school- and classroom-wide systems for all students, staff, and settings. These foundational behavior and academic expectations provide universal support to all students. Targeted Prevention While most students will respond positively to the Tier I level of support, some students will demonstrate behavior or academic difficulties that require more intensive supports. Tier II interventions are designed with these students in mind. Schools ready to introduce PBIS Tier II will first need to complete the Tiered Fidelity Inventory to assess the effectiveness of their Tier I PBIS structures. Intensive, Individualized Prevention Tier III provides intensive, individualized interventions for students who exhibit persistent or severe behavioral challenges who have not responded to Tier I or II. State Support Team 1 will assist schools with implementing Tier III strategies and connect them with additional community support agencies, as needed. As a part of the Statewide System of Support, State Support Teams work closely with the Ohio Department of Education to provide training, resources, and technical assistance to schools and districts as they strive to ensure that each child has access to a high-quality education. The documents, policies, and laws shared here provide the foundation to this work. Links: Links State Support Team 1 is here to help! State Support Team 1 is happy to assist with any questions or support requests you may have. Our PBIS consultants are here for you.