Expos & Awards

Horn Walter Burley AwardsOhio PBIS ShowcasePurple Star Award

Horn Walter Burley Awards

Ohio public schools, community schools, career centers, and county boards of developmental disabilities are encouraged to recognize the accomplishments of Ohio educators and students with disabilities by nominating them for these annual achievement awards.

    • The R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes the accomplishments of one exemplary special education student from each of Ohio’s 16 State Support Team regions.
    • Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award is presented to one educator or team from each of Ohio’s 16 State Support Team regions for extraordinary contributions to the education of students with disabilities.
    • In addition, the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities Executive Committee will select an Ohio parent to receive the Margaret M. Burley Award.

The annual Horn Walter Burley Awards are sponsored by the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) with assistance from Ohio’s State Support Teams.

Learn more about OCECD

About R.A. Horn

Photo of Raymond A Horn

About R.A. Horn

Acknowledged as a national leader in the field of special education, the late Dr. Raymond A. Horn devoted more than 60 years of service to improving the quality of life and learning for students with disabilities. Dr. Horn was the Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction Emeritus, who left a legacy and a challenge to all educators to ensure that every student with a disability be given the respect and the opportunities to which they are entitled.

About Franklin B. Walter

Photo of Franklin B. WalterAbout Franklin B. Walter

The late Dr. Franklin B. Walter was Superintendent of Public Instruction from 1977 until 1991, a post held longer than any other state superintendent in Ohio’s history. With over 50 years of service as a teacher and administrator, Dr. Walter’s leadership is evident in many of Ohio’s quality educational initiatives and programs. Among these is the development of the nation’s first statewide plan for children with disabilities. This is the 31st year that the Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award has been given.

About Margaret M. Burley

           About Margaret M. Burley

Currently the Executive Director Emeritus, Margaret M. Burley served as Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities Executive Committee for 39 years. Margaret expanded the organization from five parent and professional organizations to an over $2.5 million budget, obtained and sustained grant funding from the Ohio Department of Education and U. S. Department of Education, directed public policy and research, and is nationally recognized for her commitment and outstanding work.

Walter Horn Burley Award Winners

2024 Walter Horn Burley Awards

2024 R.A. Horn Outstanding Student Achievement Award

Paige Pitchford – Seneca County Opportunity Center

Nominated by – Kaleb Kuhlman

Over the course of her academic career at the Opportunity Center Paige has flourished finding her voice and gaining more and more independence. Paige greets everyone with a friendly smile and a hello. Paige only needs to meet you once and she will not forget your name! She brightens everyone’s day that she comes across. Paige will be graduating from the school program this year and will be dearly missed but we know she will do great things in adulthood. Paige will be entering the work force and any employer would be lucky to have her!

Paige Pitchford


2024 Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award

Northwest Ohio Classical Academy Special Ed Team

Sarah Davis (Director of Student Services), Dylan Goodman (Lower School Intervention Specialist) and Patsy Crawford (Upper School Intervention Specialist)

Nominated by – Anastasia Desmond

The Northwest Ohio Classical Academy Special Education team under the direction of Sarah Davis has done an incredible job working with students on their case load. Parents compliment the school liberally citing that they really feel that their child’s needs and concerns are met with utmost consideration, and that their child is well cared for. The NOCA SPED team works tirelessly to write beautiful student-centered IEPs and 504 plans that result in students receiving services that translate into academic success. The SPED team advocates for support services and goes above and beyond to track and use data, seek out tutoring and transition services, and ensure that testing accommodations are optimal. We are so thankful for our amazing SPED team!

Sarah DavisDylan GoodmanPatsy Crawford


2023 Horn Walter Awards

R.A. Horn Outstanding Student Achievement Award Winner Ethan Stennett Liberty Benton HS and Millstream Career Center
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Rebekah Witkowski R.C. Walters ES – Benton-Carroll-Salem 

2022 Horn Walter Awards

R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award Winner Amelia Altman Liberty Benton HS
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Lindsay Bates Greenwood Elementary – Washington Local Schools

2021 Horn Walter Awards

R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award Winner James Patrick Springfield HS and Penta Career Center
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Emily Nixon Springfield HS

2020 Horn Walter Awards

The 2020 Horn Walter Burley Outstanding Achievement Awards were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 Horn Walter Awards

R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award Winner Dakota Gillet Four County Career Center
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Pamela Burrow Fostoria City Schools

2018 Horn Walter Awards

R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award Luis Alberto Fernandez Woodward High School
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Amanda Berger Penta Career Center

2017 Horn Walter Awards

Award Winners

R.A. Horn Outstanding Achievement Award Rachelle Wyse Four County Career Center
Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Tracy Gunderman Paulding Exempted Village Schools

Ohio Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Showcase

Each year, the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio PBIS Network host a Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Showcase to recognize Ohio’s schools implementing PBIS with high fidelity.

This event brings together hundreds of Ohio principals, teachers, counselors and others to network and share best practices around PBIS implementation to ensure safe and supportive school environments.

The following Region 1 schools will be honored at the Virtual PBIS/OLAC Showcase on January 31, 2024.

Gold Recognition

Rossford Elementary School Rossford Exempted Village Schools

Silver Recognition

Crestview Elementary School Crestview Local Schools
Horizon Science Academy Springfield
Horizon Science Academy Toledo

Bronze Recognition

Bowling Green Middle School Bowling Green City Schools
Crestview Early Childhood Center Crestview Local Schools
Fort Miami Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Maumee High School Maumee City Schools
Fairfield Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Wayne Trail Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Frank Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Hull Prairie Intermediate Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Junior High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Preschool – Union Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Rossford Junior High School Rossford Exempted Village Schools
Rossford High School Rossford Exempted Village Schools
Dorr Elementary School Springfield Local Schools
Hill View Elementary School Sylvania City Schools
District Recognition Award
Rossford Exempted Village
Maumee City Schools

2022 PBIS Awards

The following Region 1 schools were honored at the Virtual PBIS/OLAC Showcase on December 6, 2022

Silver Recognition

Horizon Science Academy Springfield

Bronze Recognition

Perrysburg High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Junior High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Hull Prairie Intermediate Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Toth Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Robert Frank Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Preschool Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Horizon Science Academy Toledo
Fort Miami Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Wayne Trail Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Fairfield Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Maumee High School Maumee City Schools
Gateway Middle School Maumee City Schools
Crim Elementary School Bowling Green City Schools
Conneaut Elementary School Bowling Green City Schools
Kenwood Elementary School Bowling Green City Schools
Dorr Elementary School Springfield Local Schools
Hill View Elementary School Sylvania Schools
Arcadia Middle School Arcadia Local Schools

District Recognition

Maumee City Schools

2021 PBIS Awards

The following Region 1 schools were honored at the Virtual PBIS/OLAC Showcase on December 9, 2021:

Silver Recognition
Horizon Science Academy, Springfield
Dorr Elementary School Springfield Local Schools
Bronze Recognition
Crissey Elementary School Springfield Local Schools
Fairfield Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Frank Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Horizon Science Academy, Toledo
Hull Prairie Intermediate School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Junior High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Preschool Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Toth Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Wayne Trail Elementary School Maumee City Schools
Woodland Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools

2020 Network Showcase

Silver Recognition
Dorr Elementary Springfield Local Schools
Horizon Science Springfield
Robinson Achievement Toledo Public Schools
Bronze Recognition
Bryan Elementary Bryan City Schools
Crissey Elementary Springfield Local Schools
Fairfield Elementary Maumee City Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Frank Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Horizon Science Academy Toledo
Hull Prairie Intermediate Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Old Orchard Elementary Toledo Public Schools
Perrysburg High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Junior High Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Toth Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools

2019 Network Showcase

Silver Recognition

Horizon Science Academy Springfield Local Schools
Robinson Achievement Toledo Public Schools

Bronze Recognition

Bryan Elementary School Bryan City Schools
Perrysburg High School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Perrysburg Middle School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Hull Prairie Intermediate Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Frank Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Toth Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Old Orchard Elementary Toledo Public Schools

2018 Network Showcase

Silver Recognition

Bataan Memorial Elementary Port Clinton City Schools
Robinson Achievement Toledo Public Schools

Bronze Recognition

R.C. Waters Elementary Benton-Carrol-Salem Schools
Horizon Science Academy Springfield Local Schools
Frank Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Toth Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Dorr Elementary School Springfield Local Schools

2017 Network Showcase

Gold Recognition

Alternate Learning Center Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West

Bronze Recognition

Clyde Elementary Clyde-Green Springs Village Schools
McPherson Middle School Clyde-Green Springs Village Schools
Pickett Academy Toledo Public Schools
R.C. Waters Elementary Bent0n-Carroll-Salem Local Schools
Robinson Achievement Toledo Public Schools
Van Buren Elementary Van Buren Local Schools
Whittier Elementary Toledo Public Schools

Purple Star Awards

Purple Star Awards

Purple Star Award Logo

The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on site. A Purple Star school will receive the designation for three years.

  Additional Information

Class of 2024 Region 1 Purple Star Award Honorees

Fallen Timbers Middle School Anthony Wayne Local Schools
Waterville Primary School Anthony Wayne Local Schools
Anthony Wayne High School Anthony Wayne Local Schools
Oak Harbor High School Benton-Carroll-Salem Local Schools
Oak Harbor Middle School Benton-Carroll-Salem Local Schools
R.C. Waters Elementary School Benton-Carroll-Salem Local Schools
Gibsonburg Middle and High School – New Gibsonburg Schools
Liberty Benton High School Liberty Benton Local Schools
Liberty Benton Middle School Liberty Benton Local Schools
Liberty Benton Elementary School Liberty Benton Local Schools
McComb Elementary School – New McComb Local Schools
McComb Middle School – New McComb Local Schools
McComb High School – New McComb Local Schools
Napoleon Elementary School – New Napoleon Area Schools
Napoleon Jr/Sr High School – New Napoleon Area Schools
Northwood Elementary School Northwood Local Schools
Northwood High School Northwood Local Schools
Toth Elementary School – New Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Woodland Elementary School – New Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Fort Meigs Elementary School Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools
Swanton Middle School Swanton Local Schools
Vanlue High School – New Vanlue Local Schools
Woodmore Elementary School – New Woodmore Local Schools