Project Evident-Supporting Sustainability of Accelerated Learning

Project Evident and the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA) are partnering with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to offer a series of free regional workshops and a statewide convening focused on evidence-based budgeting decisions and strategically allocating resources for maximum impact and sustainability.

These workshops will provide leaders from Ohio districts and schools—including traditional public school districts, community schools, joint vocational school districts, and career technical schools, and others—with the tools to make trade-off decisions. It will also provide leaders with an evidence-informed process to help them better align their priorities, policies, and processes for budgeting and continuous improvement.

Register to attend and learn more at the upcoming informational webinar Tuesday, April 16, from 2-3 p.m.
Please see the informational flyer for additional information and register for the workshops and/or statewide convening.

Reach out to Megan Hoffman at with questions.